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    WONCA E-Update Friday 14thJune 2019
    2019.06.23. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – June 2019
    The latest WONCA News (June 2019) has just been published and can be accessed at

    From the President: World Health Assembly
    World Health Assembly (WHA) was the usual hectic time, with meetings and side events to attend and to participate in. The WONCA delegation of me; President-Elect, Anna Stavdal; CEO, Garth Manning; and WONCA-WHO Liaison, Viviana Martinez-Bianchi; had a tight schedule of meetings. We met, individually and as a group, with officials from WHO and other agencies and organisations, representing the range of interests of our organisation.  Read the full report at:

    WONCA: Searching for a new CEO
    Dr Garth Manning, our current CEO, has indicated that he will be stepping down from his current role in December 2020. We are beginning the search for a successor; please read and circulate the attached advertisement widely to anyone who might be interested in applying.

    Working Party on Environment: Some resources of interest
    WONCA’s Working Party on the Environment works hard to make us all more aware of climate change and the impact on health.  In its recent newsletter it listed as series of articles which might be of interest to clinicians globally.  The list of articles can be accessed at

    RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference
    Our colleagues at RCGP in UK have reminded us that every autumn the RCGP runs our Annual Primary Care Conference, which this year will be held in Liverpool form 24th to 26th October.  The direct link to the conference is below, and early bird registration deadline is on 24 June 2019.

    At these annual conferences RCGP offers a range of engaging activities, including those specific for delegates from outside the UK. This Highlight has more information specific for non-UK delegates - international member version is here.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Diabetes
    Provided by iheed of Ireland, this programme is accredited by the University of Warwick, which is ranked in the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom and 54th in the world.
    Designed specifically for busy primary care clinicians, this world-leading online programme combines practical and case-based learning with face to face workshops delivered by a network of local and global diabetes experts. Enhance your skills and confidence in the diagnosis, treatment, management and care of people with diabetes. Local CME Accreditation with 91% programme satisfaction rating. 

    Apply now to avail of a place. Programme start dates vary by region, with the next start planned for late October 2019. Limited places available https://www.iheed.org/warwickdiabetes/?utm_source=wonca&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=diabetes

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Időpont: 2024. február 22-24.

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