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    WONCA hírek és aktuális hírlevelek elérhetők - 2017 február
    2017.02.20. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA


    WONCA News – February 2017
    The latest WONCA News (February 2017) is accessible via the WONCA website, with lots of WONCA news, views and events.

    From the CEO’s Desk: WONCA Working Parties and Special Interest Groups
    WONCA is blessed with many Working Parties (WPs) and SIGs which work between world council meetings to progress specific areas of interest to WONCA and its members around the globe. These groups comprise hundreds of family doctors who meet at world conferences, sometimes more often, and in between they work by correspondence. Over the years they have carried out ground-breaking studies and research, and have produced a variety of important publications. In this month’s WONCA News the CEO, Dr Garth Manning, highlights the work of four of the newer SIGs (Quaternary Prevention; NCDs; Health Equity; Genetics) to give members a flavor of where their interest lies, and provide details of how to join the groups.

    Featured Doctor: Professor Domingo Orozco Beltran
    ON the subject of WONCA SIG’s, one of this month’s featured doctors is Professor Domingo Orozco Beltran, who is Convener of the WONCA SIG on NCDs (non-communicable diseases).  Read more about him, and his passion for NCDs, on the WONCA website.

    KRISTINA - The European Multilingual virtual assistant in the field of healthcare.
    KRISTINA is a research project funded by the European Union, within the Horizon 2020 Program. The main goal of this project is to develop a technological solution to overcome migrants’ language and cultural barriers in healthcare and geriatric services in the host countries. KRISTINA is the first European virtual assistant in the field of healthcare and already speaks Spanish, German and Polish.  Read more on this technical innovation: http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/News/KRISTINA2.aspx

    WONCA Europe Conference 2017 in Prague
    This year’s WONCA Europe conference will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 28th June to 1st July, with the theme of “General Practice in Europe: growing together in diversity”. Many will recall the wonderful world conference in Prague in 2013, and our colleagues from the Czech Society of General Practice are delighted to again be welcoming us as they host the 22nd WONCA Europe event.

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Helyszín:Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



A Háziorvosi Világszövetség Európai szervezete (WONCA-Europe-WE) 2024. szeptember 24-28 között rendezte éves kongresszusát Dublinban.

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