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The name of our organizations is CSAKOSZ, it came from the abbreviation CSAládorvos Kutatók Országos SZervezete (HUNGARIAN RESEARCH ORGANIZATION OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS).

It is the authentic and the only one research focused formation in the Hungarian primary care. Although RESEARCH is included in our name, CSAKOSZ is focusing also to the educational and professional activities related to primary care. Quality improvement, patient’s safety, continuous medical education (CME) are among our goals as well.
The original version of The Statutes of CSAKOSZ can be found at this site.

Most of the members of the Executive Committee are also members of the Board of Hungarian Family Physicians, acting as an advisory board of the Minister responsible for healthcare (recently Minister of Human Resources).

CSAKOSZ is a member of WONCA. WONCA is an unusual, yet convenient acronym comprising the first five initials of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. WONCA's short name is World Organization of Family Doctors.

The goals of CSAKOSZ cover the main missions of WONCA. The Mission of WONCA is to improve the quality of life of the peoples of the world through defining and promoting its values, including respect for universal human rights and including gender equity, and by fostering high standards of care in general practice/family medicine by:

  • promoting personal, comprehensive and continuing care for the individual and the family in the context of the community and society;
  • promoting equity through the equitable treatment, inclusion and meaningful advancement of all groups of people, particularly women and girls, in the context of all health care and other societal initiatives;
  • encouraging and supporting the development of academic organizations of general practitioners/family physicians;
  • providing a forum for exchange of knowledge and information between Member Organizations and between general practitioners/family physicians;
  • representing the policies and the educational, research and service provision activities of general practitioners/family physicians to other world organizations and forums concerned with health and medical care

More information about WONCA: http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com

The research activity of CSAKOSZ is based on the 4 Hungarian Medical Schools, namely to their Departments/Institutes of Primary Care. They are in alphabetic order:

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Public Health, Department of Family and Occupational Medicine
chairman: Professor Imre RURIK MD, PhD, MSc, DSc

University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Primary Care
chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Ágnes CSIKÓS MD, PhD

University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, Institute and Outpatient Department of Family Medicine
hairman: Professor Albert VARGA MD, PhD

Semmelweis University Budapest, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine
director: Professor László KALABAY MD, PhD

The members and the contact addresses of the Executive Committee could be open with clicking on: RÓLUNK (about us) and VEZETŐSÉG (Executive Committee)

The postal address is seen on the bottom of the website.

Information (in Hungarian) on upcoming conferences, click: RENDEZVÉNYEK (events)


Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.


WONCA Europe Scholarship

WONCA Europe Scholarship, évi 2000 EUR

pályázati feltételek ITT

határidő: 2025 február 15.

További hírek