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    WONCA E-Update Friday 15th February 2019
    2019.02.18. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – February 2019

    The latest WONCA News (February 2019) has just been published and can be accessed at https://www.wonca.net/News.aspx

    From the CEO’s Desk: WONCA and WHO
    Following on from the news of the landmark MOU with WHO, this month Dr Garth Manning details our work with WHO and highlights a number of useful topics on the WHO website, including “Ten threats to global health in 2019”.

    WONCA EMR conference in Beirut
    A reminder that the WONCA EMR conference will take place in Beirut, Lebanon, from 21st to 23rd March. Further details of the programme, and how to register, can be found on the conference website.

    WONCA Featured Doctor: Professor Cindy Lam
    One of this month’s featured doctors is Professor Cindy Lam of Hong Kong. Cindy is clinical professor and Head of the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, of the University of Hong Kong where she has developed the family medicine and primary care undergraduate programme and family medicine research. She is also Chief Censor of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, involved in assuring the quality of training and examination of family medicine trainees. Her special clinical interests include chronic diseases and mental health, and she is Regional Vice Chair for WONCA’s Working Party on Mental Health.

    Calling nurses, GPs and health systems advisors: want to support innovative community-based NCD initiatives on the healthcare front-line?
    Primary Care International (PCI) works to strengthen front-line health care with a particular focus on addressing NCDs at the primary care level. As PCI grows there are opportunities to join the PCI freelance clinical team for practitioners with experience in resource-poor settings (nurses/family medicine doctors/ health systems advisors). They especially welcome applications from qualified candidates living and working in resource-poor settings globally, particularly those from Africa and the Middle East.

    Education for Primary Care : Our affiliated journal
    It is our 30th anniversary : Issue 30: 1 is now on line at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tepc20/30/1?nav=tocList

    The editorial “If a clod bee washed away by the Sea……” (John Donne) argues the importance of collaborating globally to move education research forward. The affiliation with WONCA is at the heart of this, particularly emphasised in an invited guest editorial from EURACT on Family Medicine Education in the real world.

    FREE ACCESS for a month is to a paper from our Working Party Research Chair Professor Felicity Goodyear-Smith and her team in New Zealand. “Legitimate participation of medical students in community attachments”
    They use Communities of Practice Theory (Lave and Wenger) to explain how important it is to offer positive community placements and why negative ones can be perceived so detrimentally by students. ‘Hospitality,’ ‘Collegiality’ and ‘Responsibility’ matter most.

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