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Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    WONCA E-Update Friday 17th January 2020
    2020.01.21. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – December 2019
    The latest WONCA News (December 2019) is still on line and can be accessed at 

    WONCA appoints new CEO
    For those who may have missed the news…the WONCA Executive Committee is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Harris Lygidakis as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), succeeding Dr Garth Manning. Many of you will know Harris from his time as Chair of the Vasco da Gama Movement or as Hon Secretary of WONCA Europe. Harris will be transitioning into his new role beginning November 2020 and will work closely with Dr Manning to ensure continuity.

    In my View: Professor Ruth Wilson – “Family Medicine: More than Primary Care”
    Dr Donald Li writes:

    For many family doctors around the world, delivery of comprehensive primary care is still an aspiration because health systems are not focussed on delivery of care outside hospital settings. For others, delivery of primary care is just one, albeit important, aspect of their role as family doctors. This month, Professor Ruth Wilson offers us an insight into the broader role of family doctors in a range of settings. This broader role can easily be forgotten, in the global discussions about achieving the goal of Universal Health Coverage.

    WONCA Publications – update
    The latest welcome addition to the WONCA family of publications is “Global Primary Mental Health Care – Practical Guidance for Family Doctors”. Edited by Professor Chris Dowrick, Chair of our WP on Mental Health, it brings together a series of papers which the WP has posted on its web page, with some additional chapters.

    WONCA APR Conference 2020: Auckland, New Zealand
    A reminder of the WONCA Asia Pacific Region conference 2020, scheduled for 23rd to 26th April, at the Aotea Centre, in the heart of Auckland, the City of Sails. The theme of the conference will be: Family Medicine leading the way towards an advanced world of equity, quality and compassion

    The essence of this theme is captured in the Mâori whakataukî (proverb):
    Ko te pae tawhiti whâia kia tata, 
    ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina
    which translates to "Seek distant horizons in pursuit of excellence".

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Helyszín:Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



A Háziorvosi Világszövetség Európai szervezete (WONCA-Europe-WE) 2024. szeptember 24-28 között rendezte éves kongresszusát Dublinban.

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