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    WONCA E-Update Friday 10th April 2020
    2020.04.27. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – April 2020
    The latest WONCA News (April 2020) has now been published and can be accessed online

    From the President
    “As I write this I wonder if the way we work has now changed forever. As the threat and spread of COVID-19 continues its path, disrupting lives everywhere, no-one can be sure what our world will look like afterwards”.

    In his column for April, Dr Donald Li reflects on the major changes taking place in such a short space of time and on what this means for family doctors at the forefront of the COVID-19 response.  

    WONCA Useful Resources for COVID-19
    WONCA has established a new page on its website specifically offering COVID-19 resources which we hope members might find useful.  It features messages and articles from our President, as well as useful WHO references, WHO-EPIWIN updates, references and resources from a number of our member organizations (including AAFP and RCGP) as well as our WONCA Africa president (Prof Shabir Moosa) and a whole host of other links including stories from family doctors from a number of countries.

    WONCA webinars relating to COVID-19
    Following a successful recent pilot, WONCA plans a series of webinars on a variety of topics, to be held each Sunday at 1300 GMT. The first formal session (Sunday 12th) will be to hear from President, President-elect and representatives from all seven WONCA regions on the current situation with regard to COVID-19. Future sessions will include:

    - Sunday 19th mental health aspects
    - Sunday 26th education and training; and
    - Sunday 3rd May family violence

    WONCA World Abu Dhabi – abstract deadline EXTENDED
    Despite cancellation of many events, we continue to look forward to our world conference in Abu Dhabi in late November. Abstract submission deadlines for oral and poster have been extended and will be kept open until all slots have been filled. For much more go to http://wonca2020.com

    Education for Primary Care – free access
    We are pleased to announce that the EPC March issue 31:2 is now on line at:
    https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tepc20/current This issue shares global experience of primary care very much linked with WONCA. It emphasises how we learn from each other.:

    Free access for one month  to: 
    Systems thinking: advancing health advocacy training; a perspective from junior family physicians in the Middle East: Alameddine et al  
    Open access to an 8 country European paper 
    Which positive view of general practice do medical students and trainees have? A systematic literature review: Le Floch et al

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Időpont: 2024. február 22-24.

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