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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    WONCA E-Update Friday 24th April 2020
    2020.04.27. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – April 2020
    The latest WONCA News (April 2020) is available here  

    WONCA webinars relating to COVID-19
    Many WONCA conferences have had to be postponed or cancelled. However in an effort to unite the WONCA communities across the globe we have organised a series of WONCA webinars on a variety of topics, to be held each Sunday at 1300 GMT. Last Sunday’s session (19th May) on Mental Health was very well attended and greatly appreciated by participants. For those who were unable to attend the webinars they can all be viewed on YouTube or on Youku 

    In coming weeks sessions have been arranged for: 

    - Sunday 26th - education and training
    - Sunday 3rd May - family violence
    - Sunday 10th May – PHC-UHC
    - Sunday 17th May (1000GMT) – Rural issues
    - Sunday 24th May – Quality and Safety

    See the link in the title above or the banner at the foot of the page for how to register for the latest webinar. 

    YouTube video on first consultation for depression
    Continuing with the mental health theme… some time back Professors Chris Dowrick and Bruce Arroll wrote an article for WONCA using an evidence base for the first depression consultation in primary care. Bruce has now made a high-quality video and posted it on YouTube – “Talk first; prescribe later; label rarely”. It has the latest information from the FDA about the effectiveness of antidepressants in different settings. The video is open source and free to the public: on YouTube

    WWPR Survey on the effect of PHC on COVID outcomes – DEADLINE 30th April
    Our colleagues in the WONCA Working Party on Research want to invite you to participate in a study on the role of primary care in the current pandemic response. They want to know how prepared you think your country was to deal with COVID-19, how your country responded, the nature of your primary health care system, and changes that have been made in fighting this pandemic. They want to see how these factors might influence the rate and pattern of incidence and deaths. This knowledge can inform us about countries’ potential resilience in responding to a future pandemic, and the role primary health care can play. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and more details can be found on line.

    Numbers of responses from each country are available below the survey. If your country has few or no responses, please can you especially consider completing the survey and passing it on to colleagues.
    Take the Survey   See respondent numbers by country and region as at April 22

    RCGP interview with Dr Richard Horton, Editor of The Lancet
    “This pandemic, and now the attack on WHO, is going to set countries back decades”. 
    Richard Horton talks to Professor Domhnall MacAuley, Editor of British Journal of General Practice, about the worrying impact on health systems throughout the world as WHO faces the prospect of losing 20% of its funding. He offers advice on how we can, as doctors, advocate for the WHO and primary care. Richard is a passionate and committed supporter of family medicine, as witnessed by his comments, and the interview is a great boost for primary care worldwide!

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Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



A Háziorvosi Világszövetség Európai szervezete (WONCA-Europe-WE) 2024. szeptember 24-28 között rendezte éves kongresszusát Dublinban.

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