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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    WONCA E-Update
    2017.08.22. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – August 2017
    The latest WONCA News (August 2017) is accessible via the WONCA website, with lots of WONCA news, views and events.

    From the CEO’s Desk
    The northern hemisphere summer means a quieter time for the Secretariat in terms of e-mail traffic, but there is still plenty to do. This month Dr Garth Manning reports on preparation of the Annual Report, reflects on WONCA Europe in Prague and looks forward to forthcoming WONCA events.

    North America Region Report
    Speaking of the Annual Report, we will be featuring some of the submissions in future e-updates. This week we concentrate on the report from Professor Ruth Wilson, North America Region President, on what’s been happening in her region over the past year.

    Super Early bird registration for WONCA Rural 2018: New Delhi
    The 15th WONCA World Rural Health Conference will take place in New Delhi from 26th to 29th April 2018. Get ready to participate in an international event that will see delegates from around the world inspiring and exchanging ideas on the latest developments and challenges in rural family practice and rural and remote health generally. Super Early Bird Rates for delegates are available until 31st August.

    Free e-book: Leadership in Family Medicine: From the Personal to the Policy Level
    Leadership in Family Medicine: From the Personal to the Policy Level is a compilation of chapters from CRC Press texts, selected by our President, Professor Amanda Howe, with an Introduction giving her insight into each chapter.

    “[The FreeBook] starts with one of the many important papers about family medicine, highlighting the key barriers and ways to overcome them as the speciality moves forward: then goes back to basics, looking at how a medical school curriculum can use family medicine to enhance professional learning and develop early leadership competencies in medical students. We then look at leadership in team work, both from the practical group work perspective, and in effective inter-professional.”

    To find out more, and to download the book, go to: http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/News/LeadershipinFamilyMedicineFromthePersonaltothePolicyLevel.aspx

    Featured Doctor: Dr Kim Griswold
    Dr Kim Griswold of USA is one of this month’s Featured Doctors. She works in a University setting, in Buffalo, NY, providing clinical care and teaching medical students and residents. Currently she is the medical director of an integrated primary care-behavioral health clinic, caring for an urban, under-served population.

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Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.

Helyszín: Hungest Hotel Béke, Hajdúszoboszló


Tisztelettel hívjuk a Szervezet tagjait, kollégákat, szakorvos jelölteket, hallgatókat és a szakdolgozókat a 2025. február 20-22 között Hajdúszoboszlón megrendezésre kerülő CSAKOSZ XXIII. Kongresszusára.


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