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    WONCA E-Update
    Friday 27th October 2017
    2017.10.28. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – October 2017
    The latest WONCA News (October 2017) is accessible via the WONCA website, with lots of WONCA news, views and events. This month’s WONCA News even contains a Spanish supplement, as a service to all our Spanish-speaking colleagues

    Policy Bite: Shared principles of primary care
    This month’s policy bite is co-authored by Professor Ruth Wilson, North America Region President, and Professor Amanda Howe, WONCA President. We know the importance of strong primary care as a key component of a high performing health care system. However the terms "primary care" and "primary health care" are often used loosely, and there is a need to define and characterise good primary care. The article identifies eight principles of primary care, recently endorsed by many primary care and family medicine organizations in North America, for consideration. 

    Two WONCA Leaders receive Prestigious Award from World Psychiatric Association
    Professor Michael Kidd AM, WONCA Immediate Past President and Professor Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE, a former chair of the WONCA Working Party on Mental Health, have been awarded honorary membership of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). These awards are in recognition of the recipients’ hard work and contribution to psychiatry and mental health. Honorary membership is one of the highest honours that the WPA can bestow on an individual. We warmly congratulate them both.

    WONCA Featured Doctor – Dr Jacqueline Ponzo (Uruguay)
    One of this month’s Featured Doctors is Adj Professor Jacqueline Ponzo of Uruguay. Jacqueline is President-elect for the WONCA Iberoamericana-CIMF Region and will assume office at the 2018 World Council meeting. She is Adjunct Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Republic (UDELAR), in Uruguay. She is in charge of the residency program in Family and Community Medicine (FMC) in Uruguay, and responsible for the courses of Methodology of Research and Epidemiology, for postgraduate FCM. She is also a researcher and has promoted both the development of research in the community space, and the training of young researchers. This has allowed the emergence of a Research Area in the Department of Family and Community Medicine of UDELAR. 

    WONCA Global Jobs Portal
    A reminder about the WONCA Global Jobs Portal. This is a space where you can advertise a post – or the place to go if you’re looking for a job vacancy. It can be accessed at: https://woncarecruitment.com

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Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.

Helyszín: Hungest Hotel Béke, Hajdúszoboszló


Tisztelettel hívjuk a Szervezet tagjait, kollégákat, szakorvos jelölteket, hallgatókat és a szakdolgozókat a 2025. február 20-22 között Hajdúszoboszlón megrendezésre kerülő CSAKOSZ XXIII. Kongresszusára.


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