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    WONCA E-Update Friday 27th April 2018
    2018.05.02. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – April 2018
    The latest WONCA News (April 2018) is available on the WONCA website with all news, views and information.

    Rural Round-up: Veronika Rasic (Rural Seeds)
    Another Rural Roundup for your information and enjoyment. Dr Veronika Rasic is a GP Trainee and co-chair of Rural Seeds, a subgroup of the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice for young doctors and medical students with an interest in rural practice. Veronica recently authored a blog entry on the Transformative Education for Health Professionals website, an interactive website which also publishes WHO guidelines. The blog entry is reproduced with permission, and can be read in full on the WONCA website. You can also contact Veronika at ver.rasic@gmail.com

    Young Doctors’ Movement News
    And staying with the young doctors’ theme, WONCA is blessed to have a young doctors’ movement (YDM) in each of its seven regions. The latest news from the seven regions is now on the WONCA website, at the link given below, and as Dr Ana Nunes Barata (YDM representative on Executive) reports:

    The Young Doctors’ Movements (YDMs) are WONCA’s active network that engages youth and promotes intercultural knowledge exchange that helps to create new ideas, projects and initiatives that contribute for the development of Primary Care at the global level. WONCA's young doctors are defined as in their first five years' of practice as a family doctor OR in training as a family doctor. Each WONCA region has its own YDM that strives to develop its network and engage with the young doctors from every country it represents. The YDM newsletter will be published periodically and it will have the latest news from each YDM.


    WONCA Five Star Doctors for North America
    Drs James and Leslie Rourke are the recipients of the WONCA North America Region 5 Star Doctor Award 2017 and Professor Ruth Wilson, North America Region President, took the opportunity of visiting their province of Newfoundland, to present the award. A joint nomination for the WONCA North America 5-Star Doctor may be unconventional; however, in addition to being partners in marriage, 'Jim' and Leslie Rourke have been practice partners throughout their careers and have also taught alongside one another. Both exemplify the five pillars of the WONCA 5-Star Doctor, through their individual accomplishments and their collaborative work with one another.

    WONCA EMR Delegation meets with Jordanian Minister of Health
    WONCA East Mediterranean Region (EMR) has plans to meet the various ministers of health in their region in order to promote and seek more support to the family medicine specialty. As the first step, delegates from WONCA EMR had a fruitful meeting with His Excellency Prof Mahmoud Al-Sheyyab, the Jordanian Minister of Health and Dr Mai Hadidi, head of family medicine specialty in Ministry of Health.

    Recent PEARLS
    PEARLS – Practical Evidence About Real Life Situations – are brief (minimalistic) summaries of Cochrane Primary care systematic reviews with the answer in the title (so you only read the ones you like). A whole series of new PEARLS have been loaded onto the WONCA website, as a very useful resource for busy family doctors, and we urge you to have a look and see what might be of interest to you.

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Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.

Helyszín: Hungest Hotel Béke, Hajdúszoboszló


Tisztelettel hívjuk a Szervezet tagjait, kollégákat, szakorvos jelölteket, hallgatókat és a szakdolgozókat a 2025. február 20-22 között Hajdúszoboszlón megrendezésre kerülő CSAKOSZ XXIII. Kongresszusára.


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