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    WONCA E-Update Friday 21st February 2020
    2020.02.24. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – January 2020
    The latest WONCA News (January 2020) has just been published and can be accessed here. 

    From the CEO: WONCA Publications Update
    In his column this month Dr Garth Manning reminds us about the ever-increasing portfolio of WONCA publications which are available to purchase. The WONCA Family Medicine Series is a collection of books written by world-wide experts and practitioners in collaboration with WONCA. Recent publications include
    “Global Primary Mental Health Care – Practical Guidance for Family Doctors” (see the related article on website). Other titles also include “Migrant Health: A Primary Care Perspective”; “How to do Primary Care Research”; “Primary Health Care around the World: Recommendations for International Policy and Development” and “Family Practice in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Universal Health Coverage and Quality Primary Care”.

    WONCA/Besrour Prizes for Emerging Researchers
    Are you submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation at the WONCA World conference in Abu Dhabi? If so, you may be eligible to apply for consideration of an award for the best oral or poster presentation by an emerging researcher from a low or middle income country (LMIC). Awards of $5000 (USD) for the best oral presentation, and $2000 (USD) for the best poster presentation, are being generously provided by Dr Sadok Besrour from the Besrour Centre for Global Family Medicine at the College of Family Physicians of Canada. To find out more go to the link.

    Call for applications for Professor Meng Chih Lee bursaries for WONCA in Auckland
    And news of further bursaries – this time a call for applications for the Prof Meng-Chih Lee's Asia Pacific Region Presidential Bursary. This fund has been generously created by Prof Lee Meng-Chih to financially support two family physicians registered to attend the WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2020, in Auckland, New Zealand. Successful candidates will be awarded USD 1,000 each. Please note that deadline for applications is 28th February. For further details of eligibility and how to apply go to the WONCA web link.

    Goodfellow Gems:
    Gems are chosen by the Goodfellow Unit director, Dr Bruce Arroll, to be either practice changing or practice maintaining. The information is educational and not clinical advice. ©The Goodfellow Unit, Auckland.
    Final 2019 items have now been added, including:
    - Pregnancy and antibiotics
    - Topical and oral treatment can work for fungal nail infections
    - Bath emollient additives probably not effective for childhood eczema
    - Saline injections may be helpful for tennis elbow
    - The truth about antidepressants

    Sponsored topic: WONCA endorses MIMS CPD programmes
    KEYpoints is a physician education program aimed at elevating general practitioners’ and family doctors’ knowledge and skills in managing non-communicable diseases, particularly in the areas of cardiovascular risk (including hypertension and diabetes), mental health (including depression and anxiety), chronic pain (including arthritis) and ageing (including erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms).

    A collaboration of WONCA – through its Working Party on Education - and leading healthcare communications company MIMS, KEYpoints comprises online modules and symposia, successful completion of which will entitle a participant to CPD credit with his/her national professional licensing authority (valid for participants from India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore).
    Register for KEYpoints at http://keypoints.mims.com

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Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.



Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.

Helyszín: Hungest Hotel Béke, Hajdúszoboszló


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