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Hírkategória: WONCA
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    WONCA E-Update Friday 13th April 2018
    2018.04.21. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – April 2018
    The latest WONCA News (April 2018) is now available on the WONCA website with all news, views and information.  

    From the CEO’s Desk: Arrangements for Seoul 2018
    This month, the CEO reminds everyone of the arrangements and timetable for Seoul and encourages everyone to make their travel plans for an excellent event in a fascinating city. There are multiple events before a WONCA World conference - WONCA Executive, WONCA Regional Councils, WONCA World Council, WONCA Working Party meetings, Special Interest Groups meetings, Young Doctors' preconference. The culmination is the WONCA World conference.

    Mental Health Matters: April 2018
    In this month’s “Mental Health Matters”, Professor Chris Dowrick, Chair of the WONCA Working Party on Mental Health, shares some information about conferences and three publications, of particular relevance to the working party. 

    Cross Straits GP Group meets in China
    President elect Dr Donald Li attended the 5th Cross Straits General Practice Society as officiating guest from 30th March - 1st April 2018 in Nanning, China. The theme of the conference was “A New Era of General Practitioners”. The conference was attended by over 2500 general practitioners and other VIPs included WONCA APR President Meng Chi Lee and Prof Young Sik Kim, chair of HOC of WONCA World Conference 2018. 

    Enhance your career by studying the Master of Family Medicine (online learning) at The University of Edinburgh (a WONCA Academic Member) - start September 2018.
    Be part of this innovative part-time online Masters programme to create Family Medicine practitioners across the globe.

    Strengthening family medicine has been recognised as a key component of achieving Universal Health Coverage as part of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. University of Edinburgh’s online Masters programme aims to build on this momentum for supporting primary care by developing competent family physicians who are empowered to become leaders and advocates for the future of the profession.

    Find out more here

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Helyszín: Dráva Hotel Thermal Resort, Harkány
Időpont: 2024. február 22-24.

Meghosszabbított regisztrációs határidő: 2024. február 5.