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Hírkategória: WONCA
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    WONCA E-Update Friday 6th September 2019
    2019.09.10. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    From the President: Risk reduction and preparedness
    In this month’s column Dr Donald Li comments that the world is becoming a much less safe place. Family doctors are often on the front line when troubles or disasters occur- much more so that hospital colleagues – but who looks after the family doctors’ well being? He advocates for better disaster planning and risk reduction, which the family doctor should be intimately involved. To read more go to the WONCA website.

    WHO Call for Papers: “Advancing the science and practice of PHC as a foundation for UHC”
    The World Health Organization has published a Call for papers in “Advancing the science and practice of primary health care as a foundation for universal health coverage: a call for papers”  
    The authors Etienne V Langlois, Shannon Barkley, Edward Kelley & Abdul Ghaffar highlight that the 2019 World Health Assembly recognized “the role of primary health care in providing the full range of health services needed throughout the life course, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care” and encourage the strengthen of Primary Health Care to meet the SDGs. They “welcome manuscripts that capture learnings and experience in the implementation of primary health-care policies and interventions as well as the strengthening of primary health-care systems.”
    We encourage our member organizations to submit articles highlighting the roles of Family Medicine- lead primary health care teams in improving health for all.

    Young Doctors’ Movement News
    The Young Doctors’ Movements (YDMs) are WONCA’s active network that engages youth and promotes intercultural knowledge exchange. These help to create new ideas, projects and initiatives that contribute to the development of Primary Care at the global level. WONCA's young doctors are defined as in their first five years' of practice as a family doctor OR in training as a family doctor. This month Dr Ana Nunes Barata, YDM Representative on the WONCA Executive, coordinates the news from our seven regions.

    Featured Doctor: A/Prof Pramendra Prasad
    One of this month’s featured doctors is A/Professor Pramendra Prasad of Nepal. His “day job” is as Associate Professor at Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine in the B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), in the Eastern Part of Nepal. Here his job includes patient consultations and education, acute and emergency care provision, teaching-learning activities of undergraduates and postgraduate students, research and mentorship. But he is also Chair of WONCA’s Working Party on eHealth, which is taking the lead on digital health and artificial intelligence in family medicine. Read more at:
    WONCA 2020 Abu Dhabi: Call for Abstracts
    A reminder that WONCA 2020 Abu Dhabi has launched its call for symposia and workshop abstracts, so everyone is encouraged to get your submissions in. Early Bird registration is also open, so book your place now at a significant discount on the full registration price. Further details can be accessed via the WONCA website at:https://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/Conferences/WONCAWorldconference2020.aspx

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Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.


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Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.

Helyszín: Hungest Hotel Béke, Hajdúszoboszló


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