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    WONCA Europe Newsletter March 2024
    2024.03.27. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    We are pleased to share with you the March edition of our newsletter.


    You may find out about our Networks, Special Interest Groups and Working parties’ activities, including: EYFDM news and opportunities, the IPCRG Newsletter, the WP on Policy Advocacy Newsletter


    Moreover, you may learn more about WONCA Europe Executive Board activities through our monthly meeting summary.


    Furthermore, we are delighted to inform you about the Call for nominations for the Montegut Global Scholars Program 2024.


    In addition, we are very happy to announce that “Periodontal diseases and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory diseases: Summary of the consensus report by the EFP and WONCA Europe” has just been published in the European Journal of General Practice.


    If you missed our World Obesity Day webinar: Latest Updates in Obesity Medicines, hosted in conjunction with European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), you can watch the recording on our web page along with the recording of the webinar entitled an introduction to the online course created by the International Headache Society (HIS) and WONCA Europe to increase awareness of headaches and related disorders among family physicians.


    Please keep updated visiting our web page and follow us on our Twitter (@WoncaEurope), Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


    On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
    Thomas Frese, President-elect


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Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Hunguest Hotel Béke

Időpont: 2025. február 20-22.


WONCA Europe Scholarship

WONCA Europe Scholarship, évi 2000 EUR

pályázati feltételek ITT

határidő: 2025 február 15.

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