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Hírkategória: WONCA
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    WONCA E-Update Friday 12th July 2019
    2019.07.12. - CSAKOSZ - Hírkategória: WONCA

    WONCA News – July 2019
    The latest WONCA News (July 2019) remains current until a late July edition is published. Find it 


    WONCA Young Doctors’ Movements – latest news
    Each of WONCA’s seven regions is blessed with a very active Young Doctors’ Movement. WONCA's Young Doctors' representative on World Executive, Ana Nunes Barata (Portugal), coordinates regular news from our seven region Young Doctors' Movements, and this can be accessed on the WONCA website. 

    Working Party on Environment: Some resources of interest
    A further reminder that WONCA’s Working Party on the Environment works hard to make us all more aware of climate change and the impact on health. In its recent newsletter it listed as series of articles which might be of interest to clinicians globally. The list of articles can be accessed at

    NAPCRG Annual Conference
    NAPCRG – the North American Primary Care Research Group – is an Organization in Collaborative Relations with WONCA. The NAPCRG annual conference is attended by many people from the UK, Europe, Australasia, Canada and the US, as well as other countries. This is a great meeting to network and to learn about the latest primary care research internationally. This year’s event will be in Toronto, Canada, from 16th to 20th November 2019. More details are available at

    WONCA Direct Membership
    Since WONCA first began, many family doctors have expressed a desire to belong to WONCA individually, although they were already indirect members through their national college or academy. The category of Direct Membership was created to enable individual family doctors to have a direct association with WONCA. A special category of Direct Membership is available for Young Doctors.

    • Individual Direct Membership
      Direct Membership is open to any health professional who has an interest in family medicine/general practice, who supports the vision, mission and goals WONCA, and who wishes to belong to a worldwide network of family medicine/general practice professionals, educators, caregivers and advocates. In addition to regular news and communications from WONCA, Direct Members are entitled to a substantial discount on WONCA conference registration fees.

    Life Direct Membership
    Provides the opportunity for individuals to make a special gift to the World Organization of Family Doctors in return for waiver of annual direct membership renewal requirements. They receive all the benefits of Direct Membership, as well as a distinctive lapel pin, acknowledging Life Direct Membership.  Their name is also included in a role of honour on the WONCA website. 

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Helyszín: Dráva Hotel Thermal Resort, Harkány
Időpont: 2024. február 22-24.

Meghosszabbított regisztrációs határidő: 2024. február 5.